Goa Cashew Registered as a Geographical Indication

Geographical Indications Flora IP

In October 2023, three years after filing an application for a geographical indication (GI) tag, the Goa Cashew Manufacturers’ Association (GCMA) in association with the Department of Science, Technology and Waste Management, Government of Goa received a GI tag for Goan Cashew.

This registration makes the Goan Cashew the tenth GI product from Goa. The first Goan GI was Feni. The other eight GI products are: Agassaim  brinjal, Goan Khaje, Goan Bebinca, Harmal chilli, Khola chilli, Mancurad mango, Myndoli banana and Sat Shiro bhendo.

The GI tag will help consumers to distinguish between authentic Goan cashews and those originating from other regions.

The GI will ensure that local cashew farmers receive recognition for their hard work. Also, it will bolster the Goan cashew industry, ensuring its continued growth and prosperity. Goan cashew has a long and cherished heritage and the GI status helps to preserve its legacy.

GCMA President, Rohit Zantye

GIs are special signs or labels that show a product comes from a particular place and has unique qualities because of that place. In addition to protecting the reputation and quality of products, GIs offer legal protection against unauthorised use, imitation, or misuse of the product. This safeguards the interests of the producers.

GIs can offer several socio-economic benefits, including:

Product Quality and Authenticity: GIs help protect and promote products with unique qualities, characteristics, and reputation that are tied to a specific geographic region. Consumers can trust that GIs guarantee the authenticity and quality of the product.

Cultural Preservation: GIs often reflect a region’s cultural and traditional heritage. Protecting these products helps preserve cultural identity and traditional production methods.

Economic Value: GIs can boost the local economy by promoting and adding value to region-specific products. This can lead to increased sales, higher prices, and better market access for producers. Relatedly, GIs can stimulate economic development in rural areas by providing opportunities for local producers to market their products effectively.

Market Differentiation: GIs create a unique selling proposition for products, setting them apart from generic counterparts. This can be a significant advantage in competitive markets.

Consumer Trust: GIs build trust among consumers who associate specific qualities and standards with a product from a particular region.

Tourism: GIs can promote tourism by drawing visitors interested in experiencing the region’s unique products and culture.

Global Recognition: Internationally recognised GIs can open up new export opportunities and protect a region’s cultural and economic interests on the global stage.

See more on Geographical Indications here.

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